You talkin’ to me? week8

We already know that the Indian architecture were famuous with its subtraction method. This method is seen in the Temple of Kailasthnath where all is formed from cut out pieces, carved rocks. In comparison to this the Rojasimhesuara Temple is based on the same plan; the courtyard, the chambers around it and the ceremonial place, but this time it is constructed rather than substracted.


The Angkor Wat

Their temples were constructed under influence of cosmic and metaphysic. They used a diagram for layout called mandala. It was a representation of universe. It inspired great temples such Borobudur and Angkor Wat. Therefore, buildings reflects religious approach with authority or royal power.  The Khamer dynasty improved the cosmos idea even further and arrange the whole city according to it. The city of Angkor includes lots of temples, religious complexes, canals ect. In time it became the largest monumental setting.


The Great Mosque of Cordoba

In this period Islam started to spread in Spain, and the great reflections of it on architecture were formed in al-Andalus. Architects of the region stacked arches over arches and lace-like patterns were created. They study on interlacing arches and vaults with star-shaped ribs. Formerly, Romans lived there and built some magnificient sixteen arched bridge and amphitheatre. Then Umayyads created narrow, winding streets and closed herats on blind alleys.  Also, city was filled of mosques, markets called suqs, hotels called funduks and hammams together with churches and synagogues in consequence of the cosmopolit character of Spain. Two important construct taking our attention in al-Andalus ;

First one is the Great Mosque whose construction started during Abdal-Rahman’s final years, yet almost two hunderd years to became its final state. The exteriors of building designed solemn and the interior were magnificence. The typology of it formed as hypostylehall and arches expanded perpendicularly to qibla wall. Another one is the Alhambra. The sculptural elements known as muqarnas were glorious. Muqarnas was a complex pattern that divided curvature of pendentive into a multitude of rows of squinches. The palace’s inner part is complicated and had numerous corridors and courtyards. The Lions Court radiated from the central fountain, a ten-sided basin held up by ten lions squirting water from their mouths.

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